First Demonstration of Graphene’s Robustness under ESD Recognized with the EOS/ESD Symposium’s Top Technical Awards

First demonstration of graphene’s robustness under Electrostatic Discharge (ESD) recognized with the EOS/ESD symposium’s top technical awards for 2012.

October 3, 2013

From ECE News Release:

At the recently concluded 35th anniversary meeting of the EOS/ESD Symposium held in Las Vegas, NV, ECE alum Dr. Hong Li, post-doctoral scholar Dr. Wei Liu and ECE Professor Kaustav Banerjee were named recipients of the Symposium’s Best Paper Award as well as the Best Student Paper Award for 2012. These awards were announced during the opening ceremony of the event on Sept 10, 2013.

The collaborative effort between the Nanoelectronics Research Lab and Intel’s Mobile Communication (IMC) Group in Munich, Germany, led by Prof. Banerjee is chronicled in the article titled, “ESD Characterization of Atomically-Thin Graphene”. The article provides pioneering demonstration of Graphene’s outstanding resilience under ESD and was selected for the Best Paper Award among over 50 papers chosen for oral presentation by the symposium’s technical program committee for the 2012 September meeting held in Tuscon, AZ. The article was co-authored by Dr. Christian Russ, David Johnsson and Dr. Harald Gossner of IMC.

ESD is a major reliability issue in the electronics industry, being the single largest cause of all integrated circuit failures. At an estimated annual loss of millions of dollars, ESD affects electronics industry production, manufacturing costs, product quality and reliability, and profitability, according to the ESD Association.

Graphene is considered a promising material in a number of areas including electronic devices, interconnects and sensors. Due to its high mechanical strength, transparency and conductivity, it is also attractive for a variety of flexible and transparent electrode applications including touch screens that are critical components of nearly every modern mobile communication gadget. Hence, their resilience against ESD is deemed a key criterion for their wide scale deployment in the near future. This demonstration also opens up many possibilities of employing graphene for ESD protection of future nanoelectronic circuits and systems as well as advanced IC packaging.